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Developing nitrogen bioextraction economic value via off-bottom oyster aquaculture in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico
Marine Pollution Bulletin ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2024.117396
Anthony R. Lima, Jennifer Pollack, Joe M. Fox, João G. Ferreira, Alhambra Martínez Cubillo, Anthony Reisinger, Suzanne Bricker

Eutrophication remains a persistent water quality issue throughout much of the United States, leading to changes to ecosystem health in valuable coastal habitats. Oysters help to buffer against eutrophication by removing nitrogen from the water column by feeding on phytoplankton and other seston, a process referred to as “bioextraction”. Recent legislation in Texas has allowed oysters to be grown off-bottom (suspended in cages). To understand the connections between bioextraction and off-bottom oyster aquaculture, the Assessment of Estuarine Trophic Status (ASSETS) model was applied, indicating nutrient-related degradation of water quality. The Farm Aquaculture Resource Model (FARM) was used to determine that a typical oyster farm can remove about 4900–7100 lb. N yr−1, with an approximate value of $41,966 to $232,511 based on engineered (wastewater treatment plant) technologies. A promising and innovative nutrient management strategy, bivalve mariculture can be utilized as an additional strategy complementary to existing nutrient management strategies.



富营养化仍然是美国大部分地区持续存在的水质问题,导致宝贵的沿海栖息地的生态系统健康状况发生变化。牡蛎通过以浮游植物和其他 seston 为食去除水柱中的氮,帮助缓冲富营养化,这一过程被称为“生物提取”。德克萨斯州最近的立法允许牡蛎离底养殖(悬挂在笼子里)。为了了解生物提取与离底牡蛎养殖之间的联系,应用了河口营养状况评估 (ASSETS) 模型,表明与营养相关的水质退化。养殖场水产养殖资源模型 (FARM) 用于确定一个典型的牡蛎养殖场可以去除约 4900-7100 磅 N yr-1,基于工程(废水处理厂)技术,价值约为 41,966 至 232,511 美元。双壳类海水养殖是一种有前途且创新的营养管理策略,可以作为现有营养管理策略的补充性策略。