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Blood Pressure in Pregnancy and Hypertension 10-14 Years After Delivery.
Obstetrics and Gynecology ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-12 , DOI: 10.1097/aog.0000000000005803
Kartik K Venkatesh,William A Grobman,Jiqiang Wu,Maged M Costantine,Mark B Landon,Denise Scholtens,William Lowe,Nilay S Shah,Natalie A Cameron,Sadiya S Khan

We examined the association between blood pressure (BP) in the early third trimester and hypertension 10-14 years after delivery per American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association recommendations. We conducted a secondary analysis using the prospective HAPO FUS (Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome Follow-up Study) in patients without a chronic hypertension diagnosis. The exposure and outcome were systolic and diastolic BP measured in the early third trimester and 10-14 years after delivery, respectively. Among 4,697 participants in the HAPO FUS, at 10-14 years after delivery (median age 41.6 years), 8.3% had elevated BP, 14.1% had stage 1 hypertension, and 6.1% had stage 2 hypertension. Compared with normal BP, elevated BP in the early third trimester was associated with an increased risk of stage 1 hypertension (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] 2.76; 95% CI, 1.91-4.00) and stage 2 hypertension (aOR 3.76; 95% CI, 2.28-6.19). Stage 1 hypertension was associated with an increased risk of stage 2 hypertension (aOR 6.16; 4.24, 8.94). Pregnant individuals with high BP in the third trimester were at increased risk of developing hypertension 10-14 years after delivery.


妊娠期血压和分娩后 10-14 年的高血压。

我们根据美国心脏病学会和美国心脏协会的建议,检查了妊娠晚期早期血压 (BP) 与分娩后 10-14 年高血压之间的关联。我们在未诊断为慢性高血压的患者中使用前瞻性 HAPO FUS (高血糖和不良妊娠结局随访研究) 进行了二次分析。暴露和结局分别为妊娠晚期早期和分娩后 10-14 年测得的收缩压和舒张压。在 HAPO FUS 的 4,697 名参与者中,在分娩后 10-14 年 (中位年龄 41.6 岁),8.3% 的血压升高,14.1% 的 1 期高血压,6.1% 的 2 期高血压。与正常血压相比,妊娠晚期早期血压升高与 1 期高血压 (校正比值比 [aOR] 2.76;95% CI,1.91-4.00) 和 2 期高血压 (aOR 3.76;95% CI,2.28-6.19) 的风险增加相关。1 期高血压与 2 期高血压风险增加相关 (aOR 6.16;4.24、8.94)。妊娠晚期血压高的孕妇在分娩后 10-14 年患高血压的风险增加。