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From surveys to simulations: Integrating Notre-Dame de Paris' buttressing system diagnosis with knowledge graphs
Automation in Construction ( IF 9.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.autcon.2024.105927
Antoine Gros, Livio De Luca, Frédéric Dubois, Philippe Véron, Kévin Jacquot

The assessment of structural safety and a thorough understanding of buildings' structural behavior are critical to enhancing the resilience of the built environment. Cultural Heritage (CH) buildings present unique diagnosis challenges due to their diverse designs and construction techniques, often requiring attention during maintenance or disaster relief efforts. However, collaboration across CH and Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) fields is hindered by increasing information complexity and prolonged feedback loops. This paper introduces a methodological approach utilizing Knowledge Graph technologies to integrate structural diagnosis information and processes. The approach is applied to the diagnosis of the Notre-Dame de Paris buttressing system, demonstrated through a proof-of-concept knowledge system. By leveraging Knowledge Graph functionalities, insights are derived from the spatialization and provenance of mechanical phenomena, including observed or simulation-predicted cracks in mortar-bound masonry.



结构安全的评估和对建筑物结构行为的透彻理解对于增强建筑环境的弹性至关重要。文化遗产 (CH) 建筑由于其不同的设计和施工技术而面临独特的诊断挑战,在维护或救灾工作中通常需要注意。然而,CH 和建筑、工程和施工 (AEC) 领域的合作受到日益增加的信息复杂性和延长的反馈循环的阻碍。本文介绍了一种利用知识图谱技术来集成结构诊断信息和流程的方法。该方法应用于巴黎圣母院扶壁系统的诊断,通过概念验证知识系统进行演示。通过利用知识图谱功能,可以从机械现象的空间化和来源中获得见解,包括观察到或模拟预测的砂浆粘结砌体中的裂缝。