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Charging behaviour and range anxiety in long-distance EV travel: an adaptive choice design study
Transportation ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-13 , DOI: 10.1007/s11116-024-10561-x
Mikkel Thorhauge, Jeppe Rich, Stefan E. Mabit

This paper presents a novel adaptive stated choice experiment to capture range anxiety during long-distance travel. It is assumed that respondents have forward-looking properties allowing them to select from a set of charging alternatives along the route or postpone charging for a later (choice) stage. Data was collected among members of the Danish electric car association. Based on this data, we develop a mixed logit model that reveals several interesting findings. First, we quantify a relationship between the probability to charge and the remaining range. Secondly, we find that range anxiety, and thereby battery utilisation between recharges is indeed a heterogeneous quantity that varies among user groups. Tesla drivers and individuals below 50 years of age are less prone to range anxiety compared to other segments. Finally, the results suggest that charging at the early stages of a trip is indeed likely even when the battery level is high.



本文提出了一种新的自适应陈述选择实验,用于捕捉长途旅行期间的距离焦虑。假设受访者具有前瞻性属性,允许他们从沿途的一组充电替代方案中进行选择,或将充电推迟到以后的(选择)阶段。数据是在丹麦电动汽车协会的成员中收集的。基于这些数据,我们开发了一个混合 logit 模型,揭示了几个有趣的发现。首先,我们量化了充电概率与剩余范围之间的关系。其次,我们发现里程焦虑,以及两次充电之间的电池利用率确实是一个异质性的数量,因用户群体而异。与其他细分市场相比,特斯拉司机和 50 岁以下的人不太容易出现里程焦虑。最后,结果表明,即使电池电量很高,在旅行的早期阶段也确实有可能充电。
