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Working memory structure in young Spanish–English bilingual children
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-13 , DOI: 10.1017/s1366728924000580
Mary Alt, DeAnne R. Hunter, Roy Levy, Sarah Lynn Neiling, Kimberly Leon, Genesis D. Arizmendi, Nelson Cowan, Shelley Gray

Working memory encompasses the limited incoming information that can be held in mind for cognitive processing. To date, we have little information on the effects of bilingualism on working memory because, absent evidence, working memory tasks cannot be assumed to measure the same constructs across language groups. To garner evidence regarding the measurement equivalence in Spanish and English, we examined second-grade children with typical development, including 80 bilingual Spanish–English speakers and 167 monolingual English speakers in the United States, using a test battery for which structural equation models have been tested – the Comprehensive Assessment Battery for Children – Working Memory (CABC-WM). Results established measurement invariance across groups up to the level of scalar invariance.



工作记忆包含有限的传入信息,这些信息可以在认知处理中牢记。迄今为止,我们关于双语对工作记忆影响的信息很少,因为在没有证据的情况下,不能假设工作记忆任务可以测量跨语言组的相同结构。为了获得有关西班牙语和英语测量等效性的证据,我们使用已测试结构方程模型的测试电池 - 儿童综合评估电池 - 工作记忆 (CABC-WM) 检查了具有典型发育的二年级儿童,包括 80 名西班牙语-英语双语人士和美国 167 名单语英语人士。结果建立了各组之间的测量不变性,直至标量不变性水平。