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Mobilization of DNAPL lenses in heterogeneous aquifers using shear-thinning PEO polymers: Experimental and numerical study
Water Research ( IF 11.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2024.122952
Amir Alamooti, Adil Baigadilov, Idriss Sawadogo, Richard Martel, Dorian Davarzani, Azita Ahmadi-Sénichault, Stéfan Colombano

Polymer solution injection has emerged as a promising method for the remediation of NAPL (non-aqueous phase liquids)-contaminated aquifers. This technique enhances recovery efficiency by modifying viscous forces, stabilizing the displacement front, and minimizing channeling effects. However, there remains a significant gap in understanding the behavior of polymer solutions, particularly those with different molecular weights (MW), for mobilizing DNAPL (dense non-aqueous phase liquids) trapped in heterogeneous aquifers, especially within low-permeability layers. In this study, we address this gap by investigating the mobilization of DNAPL lenses confined by low-permeability layers through the injection of polyethylene oxide (PEO) polymers of varying MW. PEO solutions with MW of 5 M (million) and 8 Mg/mol displayed shear-thinning behavior for shear rates of 0.01 to 100 s-1, while the 1 Mg/mol solution showed shear-thinning below 10 s-1 and Newtonian behavior above. PEO solutions in porous media exhibit Newtonian behavior at low-to-moderate shear rates for all MWs, likely due to confinement-limited entanglement.


使用剪切稀化 PEO 聚合物在非均质含水层中移动 DNAPL 透镜:实验和数值研究

聚合物溶液注入已成为修复 NAPL(非水相液体)污染含水层的一种很有前途的方法。该技术通过修改粘性力、稳定位移前沿和最小化沟流效应来提高恢复效率。然而,在了解聚合物溶液的行为方面仍然存在很大差距,尤其是那些具有不同分子量 (MW) 的聚合物溶液,用于移动被困在非均质含水层中的 DNAPL(致密非水相液体),尤其是在低渗透层中。在这项研究中,我们通过研究通过注射不同 MW 的聚环氧乙烷 (PEO) 聚合物来移动受低渗透层限制的 DNAPL 透镜,从而解决了这一差距。MW 为 5 M(百万)和 8 Mg/mol 的 PEO 溶液在 0.01 至 100 s-1 的剪切速率下表现出剪切稀化行为,而 1 Mg/mol 溶液在 10 s-1 以下表现出剪切稀化,在高于 10 s-1 时表现出牛顿行为。对于所有 MW,多孔介质中的 PEO 溶液都表现出低到中等剪切速率的牛顿行为,这可能是由于约束限制的纠缠。