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The Diversity of Spiculated Erythrocytes
American Journal of Hematology ( IF 10.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-13 , DOI: 10.1002/ajh.27560
Barbara J. Bain

imageSpiculated erythrocytes come in a variety of forms, which are of diagnostic importance. They can be broadly classified as echinocytes, acanthocytes, keratocytes, and schistocytes. However, complexity is added by the superimposition of one abnormality on another. Other spiculated cells can, for example, undergo an echinocytic or acanthocytic change. In addition, other poikilocytes, for example, spherocytes, can also undergo spiculation.

An acanthocyte is an erythrocyte with a small number of irregularly shaped and irregularly disposed projections on its surface. The name comes from the Greek, άκανθα, meaning thorn. These cells are most often a feature of hyposplenism but also occur in liver failure, when the term “spur cell hemolytic anemia” has been used. The upper images show acanthocytosis in a patient with drug-induced acute liver failure (all images May–Grunwald–Giemsa, ×100 objective). Acanthocytes also occur in rare inherited disorders such as the McLeod phenotype and choreo-acanthocytosis [1]. The lower images show a more complex situation. Here we have spheroacanthocytes in a patient with hereditary spherocytosis who has had a splenectomy. The formation of the spicules has been constrained by the spherical form of the cell.

An echinocyte is a cell with numerous short regular spicules. The name comes from the Greek, εχĩνος meaning sea-urchin. Echinocytosis is most often seen as a storage artifact, when it is referred to as crenation. It is a feature of pyruvate kinase deficiency, particularly post-splenectomy when the defective cells persist in the circulation [2].

A keratocyte is a cell with two or four paired spicules, from the Greek, κέρας, for horn, while a schistocyte is a jagged red cell fragment, from the Greek, σχίζω, for split or divide. Both are features of microangiopathic and mechanical hemolytic anemias [3]. Keratocytes are also seen in Heinz body hemolytic anemia, as in acute hemolysis in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency.

An appreciation of these diverse spiculated cells can be important in diagnosis.



image 毛刺状红细胞有多种形式,具有重要的诊断意义。它们大致可分为棘红细胞、棘皮细胞、角质细胞和裂红细胞。然而,一种异常叠加在另一种异常上增加了复杂性。例如,其他毛刺细胞可以经历棘细胞或棘细胞变化。此外,其他异核细胞,例如球形红细胞,也可以发生 spic化。

棘细胞是一种红细胞,其表面有少量形状不规则且分布不规则的突起。这个名字来自希腊语 άκανθα,意思是荆棘。这些细胞通常是脾功能减退症的一个特征,但也发生在肝功能衰竭中,这时使用了术语“刺细胞溶血性贫血”。上图显示了药物性急性肝衰竭患者的棘细胞增多症(所有图像 May-Grunwald-Giemsa,×100 目标)。棘皮细胞也见于罕见的遗传性疾病,如 McLeod 表型和舞蹈菌棘细胞增多症 [1]。下面的图片显示了更复杂的情况。在这里,我们有一位接受过脾切除术的遗传性球形红细胞增多症患者的球形棘皮细胞。针状体的形成受到细胞的球形形式的限制。

棘红细胞是具有许多短规则针状体的细胞。这个名字来自希腊语 εχĩνος,意思是海胆。棘饮作用通常被视为一种储存文物,当它被称为 creation。这是丙酮酸激酶缺乏症的一个特征,尤其是在脾切除术后,当缺陷细胞持续存在于循环中时 [2]。

角质细胞是具有两个或四个成对针状体的细胞,来自希腊语 κέρας,代表角,而裂红细胞是锯齿状的红细胞碎片,来自希腊语 σχίζω,用于分裂或分裂。两者都是微血管病性和机械性溶血性贫血的特征[3]。角质细胞也见于 Heinz 体溶血性贫血,如葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶缺乏症的急性溶血。

