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More flow upstream and less flow downstream: The changing form and function of global rivers
Science ( IF 44.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-12 , DOI: 10.1126/science.adl5728 Dongmei Feng, Colin J. Gleason
Science ( IF 44.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-12 , DOI: 10.1126/science.adl5728 Dongmei Feng, Colin J. Gleason
We mapped daily streamflow from 1984 to 2018 in approximately 2.9 million rivers to assess recent changes to global river systems. We found that river outlets were dominated by significant decreases in flow, whereas headwaters were 1.7 times more likely to have significantly increased flow than decreased. These changes result in a significant upstream shift in streamflow experienced by about 29% of the global land surface. We found the most changes in the smallest steams in our study: increases in erosion potential (approximately 5% increase in stream power), flood frequency (approximately 42% increase in 100-year floods), and likely nutrient dynamics (altered seasonal flow regimes). We revealed these changes using “detail at scale” by mapping millions of individual rivers. Widely adopting this approach could reveal other changes to the hydrosphere.
我们绘制了 1984 年至 2018 年约 290 万条河流的每日径流图,以评估全球河流系统的最新变化。我们发现,河流出口以流量显着减少为主,而源头流量显著增加的可能性是流量减少的可能性的 1.7 倍。这些变化导致全球约 29% 的陆地表面经历溪流的重大上游转移。在我们的研究中,我们发现最小蒸汽的变化最大:侵蚀潜力的增加(溪流功率增加约 5%)、洪水频率(100 年一遇洪水增加约 42%)和可能的营养动态(季节性流态改变)。我们通过绘制数百万条河流的地图,使用“比例尺细节”揭示了这些变化。广泛采用这种方法可以揭示水圈的其他变化。
我们绘制了 1984 年至 2018 年约 290 万条河流的每日径流图,以评估全球河流系统的最新变化。我们发现,河流出口以流量显着减少为主,而源头流量显著增加的可能性是流量减少的可能性的 1.7 倍。这些变化导致全球约 29% 的陆地表面经历溪流的重大上游转移。在我们的研究中,我们发现最小蒸汽的变化最大:侵蚀潜力的增加(溪流功率增加约 5%)、洪水频率(100 年一遇洪水增加约 42%)和可能的营养动态(季节性流态改变)。我们通过绘制数百万条河流的地图,使用“比例尺细节”揭示了这些变化。广泛采用这种方法可以揭示水圈的其他变化。