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Consuming a Foreign Africa: Outsourcing Knowledge Construction About Africa[ns]
The International Journal of Press/Politics ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-12 , DOI: 10.1177/19401612241304049
j. Siguru Wahutu

This paper analyses the extent to which African journalism fields have outsourced the labor of knowledge construction to non-African actors. Focusing on the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi and the atrocities in Darfur between 2003 and 2008, it captures the extent to which both news organizations and journalists privileged narratives from Minority World Countries as they constructed knowledge about two of the continent’s well-known massive human rights violations of the last three decades. It argues that this outsourcing is anchored by what Wunpini Mohammed calls an “everydayness of colonization,” highlighting the tension between journalistic habitus and doxa present in any analysis of journalism in Africa.



本文分析了非洲新闻领域在多大程度上将知识构建工作外包给非非洲行为者。它聚焦于 1994 年针对图西族的种族灭绝和 2003 年至 2008 年间达尔富尔的暴行,捕捉了新闻机构和记者在构建有关过去三十年非洲大陆著名的两项大规模侵犯人权行为的知识时,在多大程度上利用了来自少数民族世界国家的叙述。它认为,这种外包的基础是 Wunpini Mohammed 所说的“殖民化的日常性”,强调了任何对非洲新闻业的分析中都存在的新闻习惯和 doxa 之间的紧张关系。