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Galactic Compton wavelengths in f(R) screening theories
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-12 , DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2024/12/027
Bradley March, Clare Burrage and Aneesh P. Naik

f(R) theories of modified gravity may be compatible with current observations if the deviations from general relativity are sufficiently well screened in dense environments. In recent work [1] we have shown that approximations commonly used to assess whether galaxies are screened, or unscreened, fail to hold in observationally interesting parts of parameter space. One of the assumptions commonly made in these approximations, and more broadly in the study of f(R) models, is that the mass of the scalar mode can be neglected inside a galaxy. In this work we demonstrate that this approximation may fail spectacularly and discuss the implications of this for tests of the theory.


f(R) 筛选理论中的银河康普顿波长

如果在密集环境中充分筛选了与广义相对论的偏差,那么修正引力的 f(R) 理论可能与当前的观测结果兼容。在最近的工作 [1] 中,我们已经表明,通常用于评估星系是被筛选还是未被筛选的近似值在参数空间中观测上感兴趣的部分不成立。在这些近似中,更广泛地说,在 f(R) 模型的研究中,通常做出的假设之一是,标量模式的质量在星系内部可以忽略不计。在这项工作中,我们证明了这种近似可能会彻底失败,并讨论了这对理论测试的影响。