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Viewpoint on WHO implementation guidance on tuberculosis infection prevention and control
European Respiratory Journal ( IF 16.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-12
Akkerman, O. W., Migliori, G. B., Falzon, D., Garcia-Basteiro, A. L., Kanchar, A., Konstantynovska, O., Eyuboglu, F. O., Duarte, R.


Transmission continues to drive the tuberculosis (TB) and drug-resistant TB epidemics, making infection control an essential component for public health agencies worldwide [1–3]. Transmission of TB is complex, influenced by factors linked to patient behaviour, the form of disease, the exposed individual, the microbe and the environment [3–6]. Each year, more than 10 million people develop TB, more than 80% of whom have pulmonary disease and more than 60% are bacteriologically positive [1].




传播继续推动结核病 (TB) 和耐药结核病的流行,使感染控制成为全球公共卫生机构的重要组成部分 [1–3]。结核病的传播很复杂,受患者行为、疾病形式、暴露个体、微生物和环境相关因素的影响[3–6]。每年有超过 1000 万人发展为结核病,其中 80% 以上患有肺部疾病,超过 60% 的患者为细菌学阳性 [1]。
