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Reheating and leptogenesis after vector inflation
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-12 , DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2024/12/035
Simon Cléry, Pascal Anastasopoulos, Yann Mambrini

We study the reheating and non-thermal leptogenesis in the case of a vector inflaton. We concentrate on particle production during the phase of oscillating background, especially gravitational production induced by the presence of non-minimal coupling imposed by an isotropic and homogeneous Universe. Including processes involving the exchange of graviton, we then extend our study to decay into fermions via direct or anomalous couplings. The necessity of non-minimal gravitational coupling and the gauge nature of couplings to fermions implies a much richer phenomenology than for a scalar inflaton.



我们研究了向量充气情况下的再加热和非热 leptogenesis。我们专注于振荡背景阶段的粒子产生,特别是由各向同性和均质宇宙施加的非最小耦合的存在引起的引力产生。包括涉及引力子交换的过程,然后我们将研究扩展到通过直接或异常耦合衰变成费米子。非最小引力耦合的必要性以及与费米子耦合的规范性质意味着比标量膨胀子更丰富的现象学。