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New sources of ghost fields in k-essence theories for black-bounce solutions
Classical and Quantum Gravity ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-12 , DOI: 10.1088/1361-6382/ad98e0
Carlos F S Pereira, Denis C Rodrigues, Ébano L Martins, Júlio C Fabris, Manuel E Rodrigues

In the present study, we generalize the possible ghost field configurations within the framework of k-essence theory to the Simpson–Visser metric area function Σ2=x2+a2. Our analysis encompasses field configurations for the region-defined metric function A± as well as the general solution that asymptotically behaves as Schwarzschild-de Sitter for x. Specifically, we investigate two scalar field configurations and define the associated potential for each one. Through rigorous calculations, we verify that all equations of motion are satisfied. Notably, our findings indicate that even when proposing new configurations of ghost scalar fields, the energy conditions remain unchanged. This result serves to validate the wormhole solutions obtained in previous studies.


黑弹解的 k-essence 理论中鬼场的新来源

在本研究中,我们将 k 本质理论框架内可能的鬼场配置推广到 Simpson-Visser 度量面积函数 Σ2=x2+a2。我们的分析包括区域定义的度量函数 A 的场配置±以及渐近表现为 x→−∞ 的 Schwarzschild-de Sitter 的一般解。具体来说,我们研究了两种标量场配置,并定义了每种配置的相关电位。通过严格的计算,我们验证了所有运动方程都得到满足。值得注意的是,我们的研究结果表明,即使提出幽灵标量场的新配置,能量条件也保持不变。这一结果验证了先前研究中获得的虫洞解。