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Quantum Energy Teleportation versus Information Teleportation
Quantum ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-12 , DOI: 10.22331/q-2024-12-12-1564
Jinzhao Wang, Shunyu Yao

Quantum energy teleportation (QET) is the phenomenon in which locally inaccessible energy is activated as extractable work through collaborative local operations and classical communication (LOCC) with an entangled partner. It closely resembles the more well-known quantum information teleportation (QIT) where quantum information can be sent through an entangled pair with LOCC. It is tempting to ask how QET is related to QIT. Here we report a first study of this connection. Despite the apparent similarity, we show that these two phenomena are not only distinct but moreover are mutually competitive. We show a perturbative trade-off relation between their performance in a thermal entangled chaotic many-body system, in which both QET and QIT are simultaneously implemented through a traversable wormhole in an emergent spacetime. Motivated by this example, we study a generic setup of two entangled qudits and prove a universal non-perturbative trade-off bound. It shows that for any teleportation protocol, the overall performance of QET and QIT together is constrained by the entanglement resource. We discuss some explanations of our results.



量子能量隐形传态 (QET) 是一种现象,其中通过与纠缠伙伴的协作本地操作和经典通信 (LOCC),局部无法获得的能量被激活为可提取的工作。它与更广为人知的量子信息隐形传态 (QIT) 非常相似,其中量子信息可以通过与 LOCC 的纠缠对发送。人们很想问 QET 与 QIT 有什么关系。在这里,我们报告了对这种联系的初步研究。尽管表面上相似,但我们表明这两种现象不仅截然不同,而且是相互竞争的。我们展示了它们在热纠缠混沌多体系统中的性能之间的扰动权衡关系,其中 QET 和 QIT 通过紧急时空中的可穿越虫洞同时实现。受这个例子的启发,我们研究了两个纠缠的 qudits 的通用设置,并证明了一个通用的非扰动权衡边界。它表明,对于任何传送协议,QET 和 QIT 的整体性能都受到纠缠资源的限制。我们讨论了对结果的一些解释。