Nature ( IF 50.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-12 , DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-08442-5 R. S. Park, R. A. Jacobson, L. Gomez Casajus, F. Nimmo, A. I. Ermakov, J. T. Keane, W. B. McKinnon, D. J. Stevenson, R. Akiba, B. Idini, D. R. Buccino, A. Magnanini, M. Parisi, P. Tortora, M. Zannoni, A. Mura, D. Durante, L. Iess, J. E. P. Connerney, S. M. Levin, S. J. Bolton
Io experiences tidal deformation due to its eccentric orbit around Jupiter, which provides a primary energy source for Io’s ongoing volcanic activity and infrared emission1. The amount of tidal energy dissipated within Io is enormous and has been hypothesized to support the large-scale melting of Io’s interior and the formation of a global subsurface magma ocean. If Io has a shallow global magma ocean, its tidal deformation would be much larger than in the case of a more rigid, mostly solid interior2. Here we report the measurement of Io’s tidal deformation, quantified by the gravitational tidal Love number k2, enabled by two recent flybys of the Juno spacecraft. By combining Juno3,4 and Galileo5-7 Doppler data from the Deep Space Network and astrometric observations, we recover Re(k2) of 0.125±0.047 (1σ) and the tidal dissipation parameter Q of 11.4±3.6 (1σ). These measurements confirm that a shallow global magma ocean in Io does not exist and are consistent with Io having a mostly solid mantle2. Our results indicate that tidal forces do not universally create global magma oceans, which may be prevented from forming due to rapid melt ascent, intrusion, and eruption8,9, so even strong tidal heating – like that expected on several known exoplanets and super-Earths10 – may not guarantee the formation of magma oceans on moons or planetary bodies.

木卫一由于其围绕木星的偏心轨道而发生潮汐变形,这为木卫一持续的火山活动和红外发射提供了主要能源1。木卫一内部耗散的潮汐能是巨大的,据推测,它支持木卫一内部的大规模熔化和全球地下岩浆海洋的形成。如果木卫一有一个较浅的全球岩浆海洋,它的潮汐变形将比更坚硬、大部分是固体的内部的情况大得多2。在这里,我们报告了木卫一潮汐变形的测量,由引力潮汐数字 Love 数 k 2 量化,这是由朱诺号宇宙飞船最近两次飞越实现的。通过结合来自深空网络和天体测量观测的朱诺3,4 和伽利略5-7 多普勒数据,我们恢复了 0.125±0.047 (1σ) 的 Re(k2) 和 11.4±3.6 (1σ) 的潮汐耗散参数 Q。这些测量证实了木卫一中不存在全球浅层岩浆海洋,并且与木卫一具有大部分固体地幔一致2。我们的结果表明,潮汐力并不普遍地形成全球岩浆海洋,由于快速熔化上升、侵入和喷发,可能会阻止岩浆海洋的形成 8,9,因此,即使是强烈的潮汐加热——就像在几颗已知的系外行星和超级地球上所预期的那样10 ——也不能保证在卫星或行星体上形成岩浆海洋。