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Biochar in sustainable agriculture and Climate Mitigation: Mechanisms, challenges, and applications in the circular bioeconomy
Biomass & Bioenergy ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.biombioe.2024.107531
Abdul Waheed, Hailiang Xu, Xu Qiao, Aishajiang Aili, Yeernazhaer Yiremaikebayi, Dou Haitao, Murad Muhammad

Biochar, a carbon-rich material produced through the pyrolysis of biomass, has gained significant attention for its potential in sustainable agriculture, environmental management, and climate change mitigation. This review provides a comprehensive synthesis of the latest research on biochar production, characterization, and its roles in enhancing soil health and agricultural productivity, focusing on novel insights and emerging applications. Biochar improves soil structure, nutrient retention, water-holding capacity, and microbial activity, benefiting degraded soils such as acidic, sandy, and nutrient-poor soils, which are prone to poor water retention and nutrient leaching. Studies have shown that biochars produced from wood and agricultural residues are particularly effective for long-term carbon sequestration and improving soil fertility. Furthermore, biochar has demonstrated significant impacts on boosting crop yields, with some studies reporting up to a 30 % increase in yields for crops grown in nutrient-poor soils. Biochar sequesters carbon for centuries, reduces greenhouse gas emissions (e.g., nitrous oxide by up to 50 %), and mitigates water contamination by adsorbing excess nutrients and heavy metals. Despite these benefits, large-scale biochar application faces challenges, including variable effectiveness across soil types and climates, high production and transport costs, and the need for standardized production methods. This review emphasizes the integration of biochar into waste management and bioenergy systems, aligning it with the principles of a circular bioeconomy. It also underscores the importance of further research to optimize production processes, assess long-term impacts on soil health and crop productivity, and explore biochar's role in enhancing resource efficiency and addressing critical agricultural and environmental challenges.



生物炭是一种通过生物质热解生产的富碳材料,因其在可持续农业、环境管理和减缓气候变化方面的潜力而受到广泛关注。这篇综述全面综合了关于生物炭生产、表征及其在增强土壤健康和农业生产力中的作用的最新研究,重点介绍了新的见解和新兴应用。生物炭改善了土壤结构、养分保留、持水能力和微生物活性,有利于退化土壤,例如酸性、沙质和营养贫瘠的土壤,这些土壤容易出现保水性差和养分浸出。研究表明,由木材和农业废弃物生产的生物炭对于长期固碳和提高土壤肥力特别有效。此外,生物炭已被证明对提高作物产量有显着影响,一些研究报告称,在营养贫瘠的土壤中种植的作物的产量提高了 30%。生物炭可以封存碳几个世纪,减少温室气体排放(例如,一氧化二氮高达 50%),并通过吸收多余的营养物质和重金属来减轻水污染。尽管有这些好处,但大规模生物炭应用仍面临挑战,包括不同土壤类型和气候的有效性各不相同、生产和运输成本高以及需要标准化生产方法。本综述强调将生物炭整合到废物管理和生物能源系统中,使其与循环生物经济的原则保持一致。 它还强调了进一步研究以优化生产过程、评估对土壤健康和作物生产力的长期影响以及探索生物炭在提高资源效率和应对关键农业和环境挑战方面的作用的重要性。