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Impact of fintech and financial inclusion on sustainable development goals: Evidence from cross country analysis
Finance Research Letters ( IF 7.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.frl.2024.106573
Priya Choudhary, Chinmoy Ghosh, M Thenmozhi

We investigate the dual influence of fintech and financial inclusion on diverse sustainable development goals, including SDG 2, 3, 4, 8 and 9, based on panel data of 86 countries. A quantile regression analysis shows that fintech has a favorable influence on education at higher quantiles. Additionally, Fintech and financial inclusion positively enhance GDP (SDG 8) and internet (SDG 9) upto 50th quantiles, but their impact decreases at higher percentiles. The findings suggest that fintech and financial inclusion can drive progress towards achieving SDGs by encouraging economic growth, supporting zero hunger, reducing maternal deaths, enhancing quality education, and empowering innovation and infrastructure. Further analysis demonstrates that financial inclusion and SDGs can promote each other, and similarly, fintech and SDGs can mutually reinforce each other.



我们根据 86 个国家的面板数据,调查了金融科技和金融包容性对各种可持续发展目标的双重影响,包括 SDG 2、3、4、8 和 9。分位数回归分析表明,金融科技对高分位数的教育有有利影响。此外,金融科技和普惠金融对 GDP (SDG 8) 和互联网 (SDG 9) 的排名产生了积极影响,最高可达第 50 个分位数,但其影响在较高的百分位数时会降低。研究结果表明,金融科技和普惠金融可以通过鼓励经济增长、支持零饥饿、减少孕产妇死亡、加强优质教育以及增强创新和基础设施能力来推动实现可持续发展目标的进展。进一步的分析表明,金融包容性和 SDG 可以相互促进,同样,金融科技和 SDG 可以相互促进。