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Nitrogen uptake and leaching from urine and fertilizer applications during simulated grazing rotations of a perennial grass pasture
Agricultural Systems ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.agsy.2024.104226
Cameron J.P. Gourley, Sharon R. Aarons, Michael W. Heaven

The productivity of grazing-based dairy systems is driven in large part by availability of nitrogen (N) as it cycles though the soil, plant and animal. However, N use efficiency (NUE) is generally less than 40 % with significant N losses attributed to animal excreted N, especially urinary N, due to high N concentrations deposited.



以放牧为基础的乳品系统的生产力在很大程度上取决于氮 (N) 的可用性,因为它在土壤、植物和动物中循环。然而,氮利用效率 (NUE) 通常低于 40%,由于高 N 浓度沉积,动物排泄的 N,尤其是尿 N,导致了显著的 N 损失。