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Tunable circularly polarized luminescence of D–A type chiral conjugated oligomers via achiral donors
Polymer Chemistry ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-11 , DOI: 10.1039/d4py01192a
Yuxiang Wang, Yabin Feng, Qian Wang, Qi Meng

Chiral conjugated oligomers with circularly polarized luminescence (CPL) have received great interest and been extensively researched. However, chiral conjugated oligomers with donor–acceptor (D–A) structures are poorly developed. In this paper, a series of D–A-type chiral conjugated oligomers were synthesized by the copolymerization of axially chiral acceptors and achiral donors through Pd-catalyzed Buchwald–Hartwig C–N coupling reactions. The resulting chiral conjugated oligomers exhibit donor-dependent fluorescence in solution with emission wavelengths ranging from 500 to 574 nm and photoluminescence quantum yields (ΦPL) of up to 49%, which can be attributed to the ICT transition derived from the D–A oligomer backbone. Obvious CPL response signals can be detected for the chiral conjugated oligomers with luminescence dissymmetry factors (glum) of up to 1.3 × 10−3, which can be tuned via the variation of achiral donors. This work can provide a novel strategy for the design of chiral conjugated polymers or oligomers with D–A structures and tunable CPL signals.


通过非手性供体对 D-A 型手性偶联寡聚物进行可调谐圆极化发光

具有圆偏振发光 (CPL) 的手性偶联寡聚物引起了人们的极大兴趣并得到了广泛的研究。然而,具有供体-受体 (D-A) 结构的手性偶联寡聚体发育不良。在本文中,通过 Pd 催化的 Buchwald-Hartwig C-N 偶联反应,通过轴向手性受体和非手性供体共聚,合成了一系列 D-A 型手性共轭低聚物。所得的手性共轭低聚物在溶液中表现出供体依赖性荧光,发射波长范围为 500 至 574 nm,光致发光量子产率 (ΦPL) 高达 49%,这可归因于源自 D-A 低聚物骨架的 ICT 转变。对于发光不对称因子 (glum) 高达 1.3 × 10−3 的手性偶联寡聚体,可以检测到明显的 CPL 反应信号,这可以通过非手性供体的变化进行调整。这项工作可以为设计具有 D-A 结构和可调谐 CPL 信号的手性共轭聚合物或低聚物提供一种新的策略。