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Cell Sorting in an Active Nematic Vertex Model
Physical Review Letters ( IF 8.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-10 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.133.248401
Jan Rozman, Julia M. Yeomans

We study a mixture of extensile and contractile cells using a vertex model extended to include active nematic stresses. The two cell populations phase separate over time. While phase separation strengthens monotonically with an increasing magnitude of contractile activity, the dependence on extensile activity is nonmonotonic, so that sufficiently high values reduce the extent of sorting. We interpret this by showing that extensile activity renders the system motile, enabling cells to undergo neighbor exchanges. Contractile cells that come into contact as a result are then more likely to stay connected due to an effective attraction arising from contractile activity. Published by the American Physical Society 2024


主动 Nematic 顶点模型中的单元分选

我们使用扩展为包括主动向列应力的顶点模型研究拉伸和收缩单元的混合物。两个细胞群随着时间的推移而分离。虽然相分离随着收缩活性的增加而单调增强,但对拉伸活性的依赖性是非单调的,因此足够高的值会减少排序的范围。我们通过证明拉伸活动使系统运动,使细胞能够进行邻域交换来解释这一点。因此,由于收缩活动产生的有效吸引力,因此接触的收缩细胞更有可能保持连接。 美国物理学会 2024 年出版