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HAMpering infection: Helicase ratcheting emerges as a phage-sensing mechanism
Cell Host & Microbe ( IF 20.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.chom.2024.11.009
Zhifeng Zeng, Wenyuan Han

The sensing of pathogens is the first step for any immune response. A recent paper in Cell reveals that the bacterial Hachiman anti-phage defense system deploys a helicase subunit to sense phage invasion via 3′ DNA recognition and subsequent domain rotation to enable nuclease activation.


HAMpering 感染:解旋酶棘轮作为噬菌体感应机制出现

病原体的感应是任何免疫反应的第一步。最近发表在《细胞》上的一篇论文显示,细菌 Hachiman 抗噬菌体防御系统部署了一个解旋酶亚基,通过 3' DNA 识别和随后的结构域旋转来感知噬菌体入侵,从而激活核酸酶。