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Reaction of cis-2,3-dioctylaziridine with carboxylic acids
Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : June 1970 , DOI: 10.1002/jhet.5570070314
G. Maerker , E. T. Haeberer , E. T. Donahue , T. A. Foglia

A series of aliphatic and aromatic carboxylic acids reacted with 2,3-dioctylaziridine to yield β-hydroxyalkyl amides in 69–89% yields and 2-substituted 4,5-di-n-octyl-δ2-oxazolines in amounts ranging from traces to 12% of the theoretical. No correlation could be found between carboxylic acid strength and either hydroxyamide or δ2-oxazoline yields. Solvents affected the product distribution.


反应-2,3- dioctylaziridine用羧酸

一系列的脂肪族和芳香族羧酸与2,3- dioctylaziridine反应生成β -羟基酰胺在69-89%的产率和2-取代的-4,5-二- ñ辛基-δ 2 -oxazolines用量为痕量达到理论值的12%没有相关性可之间羧酸强度和任一羟基酰胺或δ找到2 -恶唑啉的产率。溶剂影响了产品的分布。