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Gasping for air: HIF2α in asthma
Immunity ( IF 25.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.immuni.2024.11.015
Shilpi Giri, Amanda C. Poholek

Despite protective roles in various type of infection and in would healing, T helper (Th)2 cells are drivers of inflammation in allergic asthma. In this issue of Immunity, Zou et al. demonstrate the crucial involvement of hypoxia inducible factor (HIF)2α in promoting the differentiation of inflammatory Th2 cells, suggesting HIF2α as a promising therapeutic target for the treatment of allergic asthma.


喘气:哮喘中的 HIF2α

尽管在各种类型的感染和愈合中具有保护作用,但辅助性 T 细胞 (Th)2 细胞是过敏性哮喘炎症的驱动因素。在本期《免疫》杂志中,Zou 等人证明了缺氧诱导因子 (HIF)2α 在促进炎性 Th2 细胞分化中的关键作用,表明 HIF2α 是治疗过敏性哮喘的有前途的治疗靶点。