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The impact of cues on language switching: do spoken questions reduce the need for bilingual language control?
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-10 , DOI: 10.1017/s1366728924000841
Kalinka Timmer, Agata Wolna, Zofia Wodniecka

The classical language switching paradigm using arbitrary cues to indicate the language to speak in has revealed switching between languages comes at a cost (i.e., switch cost) and makes one slower in the first than in the second language (i.e., reversed language dominance). However, arbitrary cues can create artificial requirements not present during everyday language interactions. Therefore, we investigated whether simulating elements of real-life conversations with question cues (‘Co?’ versus ‘What?’) facilitates language switching in comparison to the classical paradigm (Experiment 1: red versus blue outline; Experiments 2 and 3: low versus high tone). We revealed a dissociation between the two indices of language control: (1) question cues, compared to arbitrary cues, reduced switch costs but (2) did not modulate (in Experiment 1) or increase the reversed language dominance (Experiments 2 and 3). We propose that this conversational switching paradigm could be used as a conceptually more ‘true’ measure of language control.



使用任意线索来表示要说话的语言的经典语言切换范式揭示了语言之间的切换是有代价的(即切换成本),并且使第一语言比第二语言慢(即反向语言主导地位)。然而,任意的提示可能会产生日常语言交互中不存在的人为要求。因此,我们研究了与经典范式相比,使用问题线索(“Co?”与“What?”)模拟现实生活中对话的元素是否有助于语言切换(实验 1:红色与蓝色轮廓;实验 2 和 3:低调与高调)。我们揭示了语言控制的两个指数之间的分离:(1) 与任意线索相比,问题线索降低了转换成本,但 (2) 没有调制(在实验 1 中)或增加反向语言优势(实验 2 和 3)。我们建议这种对话切换范式可以用作概念上更 “真实 ”的语言控制度量。