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Unraveling the dynamics of perceived smartphone overuse and disconnection strategies: Longitudinal insights
New Media & Society ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-09 , DOI: 10.1177/14614448241303113
Cynthia A Dekker, Sindy R Sumter, Susanne E Baumgartner

This six-wave longitudinal survey study investigated associations between perceived smartphone overuse and the use of technology-based disconnection strategies. The sample was representative of the Dutch population regarding age, gender, and education level ( N = 1674). Linear mixed models showed that perceived overuse was positively related to self-reported screen time and motivations to reduce screen time. People with higher perceived overuse were more likely to adopt disconnection strategies in the following 2 months. Yet, surprisingly, at the within-person level, we found that when someone experienced more overuse than they normally do, they were not more likely to adopt disconnection strategies. Moreover, using disconnection strategies in the previous 2 months was related to higher perceived overuse and self-reported screen time. Together, these findings suggest that people do not always take action when unsatisfied with their smartphone use, and when they do, technology-based disconnection strategies are not effective in reducing perceived smartphone overuse.



这项六波纵向调查研究调查了感知到的智能手机过度使用与使用基于技术的断开连接策略之间的关联。该样本在年龄、性别和教育水平方面代表了荷兰人口 ( N = 1674)。线性混合模型显示,感知到的过度使用与自我报告的屏幕时间和减少屏幕时间的动机呈正相关。感知到过度使用的人更有可能在接下来的 2 个月内采用断开连接策略。然而,令人惊讶的是,在人际层面,我们发现,当某人经历的过度使用次数比平时更多时,他们并不太可能采用断开连接策略。此外,在过去 2 个月内使用断开连接策略与较高的感知过度使用和自我报告的屏幕时间有关。总之,这些发现表明,当人们对智能手机的使用不满意时,并不总是会采取行动,而当他们这样做时,基于技术的断开连接策略并不能有效地减少感知到的智能手机过度使用。