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Self-Regulation and High School Graduation for Youth With and Without Disabilities in Foster Care
Remedial and Special Education ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-09 , DOI: 10.1177/07419325241302408
Wendy Cavendish, Kele Stewart, Nastasia Schreiner, Deborah Perez

High school graduation rates for youth in foster care are disproportionally low. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between self-regulation and high school graduation trajectory for foster youth with and without disabilities. Approximately 54% of the 37 youth in this study were on-track for on time high school graduation, although youth with disabilities were significantly less likely to be on track for graduation. Importantly, higher self-regulation skill increased the likelihood that all foster youth (with and without disabilities) were on track for graduation. Implications for school-based youth supports are discussed.



寄养青少年的高中毕业率低得不成比例。本研究的目的是检查有残疾和没有残疾的寄养青年的自我调节与高中毕业轨迹之间的关系。在这项研究的 37 名青年中,大约 54% 的人有望按时高中毕业,尽管残疾青年按计划毕业的可能性要小得多。重要的是,较高的自我调节技能增加了所有寄养青年(有残疾和无残疾)按计划毕业的可能性。讨论了对学校青年支持的影响。