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Bypassing the lattice BCS–BEC crossover in strongly correlated superconductors through multiorbital physics
npj Quantum Materials ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-10 , DOI: 10.1038/s41535-024-00706-7
Niklas Witt, Yusuke Nomura, Sergey Brener, Ryotaro Arita, Alexander I. Lichtenstein, Tim O. Wehling

Superconductivity emerges from the spatial coherence of a macroscopic condensate of Cooper pairs. Increasingly strong binding and localization of electrons into these pairs compromises the condensate’s phase stiffness, thereby limiting critical temperatures – a phenomenon known as the BCS–BEC crossover in lattice systems. In this study, we demonstrate enhanced superconductivity in a multiorbital model of alkali-doped fullerides (A3C60) that goes beyond the limits of the lattice BCS–BEC crossover. We identify that the interplay of strong correlations and multiorbital effects results in a localized superconducting state characterized by a short coherence length but robust stiffness and a domeless rise in critical temperature with increasing pairing interaction. To derive these insights, we introduce a new theoretical framework allowing us to calculate the fundamental length scales of superconductors, namely the coherence length (ξ0) and the London penetration depth (λL), even in presence of strong electron correlations.


通过多轨道物理学绕过强相关超导体中的晶格 BCS-BEC 交叉

超导性源于库珀对的宏观凝聚态的空间相干性。电子越来越强的结合和定位到这些对中,这损害了凝聚态的相刚度,从而限制了临界温度——这种现象在晶格系统中被称为 BCS-BEC 交叉。在这项研究中,我们在碱掺杂富勒化物 (A3C60) 的多轨道模型中证明了增强的超导性,这超出了晶格 BCS-BEC 交叉的限制。我们发现,强相关性和多轨道效应的相互作用导致了局域超导状态,其特征是相干长度短但刚度强,临界温度无圆顶上升,配对相互作用增加。为了获得这些见解,我们引入了一个新的理论框架,使我们能够计算超导体的基本长度尺度,即相干长度 (ξ0) 和伦敦穿透深度 (λL),即使在存在强电子相关性的情况下也是如此。
