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Managing the Dissolved Oxygen Balance of Open Atlantic Salmon Sea Cages: A Narrative Review
Reviews in Aquaculture ( IF 8.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-09 , DOI: 10.1111/raq.12992
Evelina Veronica Christina Berntsson, Tor Kristian Stevik, Asbjørn Bergheim, David Persson, Marit Stormoen, Kristian Hovde Liland

As Atlantic salmon depend on dissolved oxygen (DO) to survive and grow, managing DO is essential for welfare and growth. However, the dynamics of DO in the open sea cages are complex, caused by a range of factors that interact and create compounding effects. To understand DO dynamics, two pillars of knowledge are essential: the supply of DO to the cages and the consumption of DO in the cages. The components of these two pillars vary greatly across both time and space, with factors including ambient sea temperature and current, density stratification, fish size, health and metabolism, biomass density and distribution, topography, production routines and farm configuration. In the production environment, these factors often interact, making related analyses on effects, causality and effective management highly challenging. Exacerbating matters, existing knowledge is fragmented across multiple disciplines, making it challenging for end‐users to access. Using sensors is often necessary to understand and manage the complexity of DO, and the interest to implement digital technologies to aquaculture operations and utilize big data analyses is growing, but to succeed in the application, an in‐depth understanding of the relevant dynamics is necessary. Consequently, this review is produced to compile existing knowledge on the many factors that influence the consumption or supply of DO in the sea cages, and their relationship to each other. In this narrative review, we explore the known interactions and compounding effects between these factors, and synthesize it in a causal diagram for holistic analyses of the DO balance.



由于大西洋鲑鱼依靠溶解氧 (DO) 来生存和生长,因此管理 DO 对于福利和生长至关重要。然而,公海网箱中溶解氧的动力学是复杂的,由一系列相互作用并产生复合效应的因素引起。要了解 DO 动态,知识的两大支柱是必不可少的:笼子里溶解氧的供应和笼子里溶解氧的消耗。这两个支柱的组成部分在时间和空间上都有很大差异,因素包括环境海水温度和洋流、密度分层、鱼类大小、健康和新陈代谢、生物量密度和分布、地形、生产程序和养殖场配置。在生产环境中,这些因素经常相互作用,使得对效果、因果关系和有效管理的相关分析极具挑战性。更糟糕的是,现有知识分散在多个学科中,这使得最终用户难以访问。使用传感器通常是理解和管理 DO 复杂性所必需的,并且将数字技术应用于水产养殖作业和利用大数据分析的兴趣正在增长,但要在应用中取得成功,必须深入了解相关动态。因此,本综述旨在汇编有关影响网箱中溶解氧消费或供应的许多因素及其相互关系的现有知识。在这篇叙述性综述中,我们探讨了这些因素之间已知的相互作用和复合效应,并将其综合到因果图中,以便对 DO 平衡进行整体分析。