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Scaling up online professional development through institution-initiated blended learning programs in higher education
The Internet and Higher Education ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.iheduc.2024.100988
Jingjing Zhang, Yicheng Huang, Fati Wu, Wei Kan, Xudong Zhu

The impact of Covid-19 has significantly accelerated the digital transformation in higher education worldwide. This study investigates how digital transformation changes the instructional design and implementation of large-scale blended learning programs for better learner experiences. It emphasizes the significance of diverse stakeholders' engagement in institution-initiated blended programs to promote effective online professional development. Utilizing Research-Practice Partnerships (RPPs), this study adopts a case study approach, employing participatory observation, interviews, log data, and online discourses to analyze how interactions across various sectors and levels affect the transformation to blended programs and the professional development of the involved instructors. The findings reveal that the institution-initiated blended learning approach, resembling an apprenticeship model, effectively integrates teaching practice with online professional development. An in-depth analysis of two university courses shows that key events and task-oriented approaches significantly influence instructors' online engagement, enhancing their digital literacy. Teacher Handbooks, driven by real learner data, guide teaching practices effectively, while collaborative research meetings greatly enhance the use of data analytics in teaching. Although this top-down approach presents challenges, this study demonstrates that instructors can innovatively tackle these issues. Institutional support is more likely to foster collaborative learning communities across various sectors and hierarchies. This study contributes to the field by introducing a pioneering framework in the institution's innovative educational reform, creating online professional development communities for faculty members of all ages, and enabling them to quickly and easily adapt to the digital transformation of higher education.



Covid-19 的影响显著加速了全球高等教育的数字化转型。本研究调查了数字化转型如何改变大规模混合学习计划的教学设计和实施,以获得更好的学习者体验。它强调了不同利益相关者参与机构发起的混合计划对促进有效的在线专业发展的重要性。利用研究实践伙伴关系 (RPP),本研究采用案例研究方法,采用参与式观察、访谈、日志数据和在线话语来分析各个部门和级别的互动如何影响向混合课程的转变和参与教师的专业发展。研究结果表明,机构发起的混合学习方法类似于学徒制模式,有效地将教学实践与在线专业发展相结合。对两门大学课程的深入分析表明,关键事件和以任务为导向的方法会显著影响教师的在线参与,从而提高他们的数字素养。由真实学习者数据驱动的教师手册可有效指导教学实践,而合作研究会议则大大增强了数据分析在教学中的使用。尽管这种自上而下的方法带来了挑战,但这项研究表明,教师可以创新地解决这些问题。机构支持更有可能培养跨各个部门和层次结构的协作学习社区。 这项研究通过引入该机构创新教育改革的开创性框架,为所有年龄段的教职员工创建在线专业发展社区,并使他们能够快速轻松地适应高等教育的数字化转型,从而为该领域做出贡献。