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Assemble like human: A multi-level imitation model learning human perception-decision-operation skills for robot automatic assembly tasks
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing ( IF 9.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.rcim.2024.102907
Hubo Chu, Tie Zhang, Yanbiao Zou, Hanlei Sun

Robot automatic peg-in-hole assembly is a challenging task. Human perception-decision-operation skills play an irreplaceable role in precise assembly. In this paper, human assembly skills are modeled as a multi-level Markov decision process, and a multi-level imitation model is proposed to learn human assembly skills from demonstrations. Specifically, to learn human skills of identifying assembly phases based on perception signals, a perception-decision model based on parallel encoding Gaussian mixture model and decision correction module is proposed, and a new loss function combining reconstruction error and likelihood is designed. To accurately learn human operation skills from imprecise demonstrations, a decision-operation model combining mixture density networks and energy-based models is proposed. Based on the multi-level imitation model, a robot assembly controller is designed to drive robots to assemble like humans. Comparative experiments and peg-in-hole assembly experiments with four clearances indicate that the proposed method can more accurately learn human perception-decision-operation skills and achieve a better assembly effect than the advanced methods.


