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Parenting Challenges Among Families Experiencing Homelessness with Children with and without Externalizing Behavior Problems.
Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-05 , DOI: 10.1080/15374416.2024.2429087
Paulo A Graziano,Melissa L Hernandez,Anthony S Dick,Emily Arcia,Shana K Cox,Muriel Ayala,Nicole A Carnero,Noelle L O'Mara,Sundari Foundation

OBJECTIVE To examine differences in parenting factors among caregivers with children with and without externalizing behavior problems (EBP) in a community homeless shelter sample versus a stable housing sample. METHOD Nine hundred and fourteen children (ages = 2.01-7.49 years, SD = 1.45 years, 40.8% female, 54.3% Black, 46.7% Hispanic) were recruited from a service-driven research project in a shelter setting (n = 638) and a longitudinal/clinical study (n = 276). Primary caregivers (97% mothers) completed a parenting stress questionnaire and an observational measure of parent-child interactions. RESULTS Logistic regression indicated that children who were Black and/or of Hispanic background were less likely to be identified as having elevated EBP but only in the homeless shelter sample. Multivariate analyses indicated that the homeless shelter-EBP group reported the highest levels of overall stress compared to the homeless shelter-typically developing (TD), stable housing-EBP and stable housing-TD groups. Mothers from the homeless shelter-EBP group exhibited a higher proportion of negative verbalizations relative to caregivers from all other groups while mothers from the homeless shelter-TD group exhibited a higher proportion of positive verbalizations relative to the caregivers from the homeless shelter-EBP group and the stable housing TD group. Both homeless shelter groups engaged in less total verbalizations relative to both stable housing samples, with the stable housing-EBP group exhibiting the most verbalizations. CONCLUSIONS High levels of parenting stress and negative parent-child interactions within a homeless shelter sample are exacerbated by having a child with EBP. Embedding universal parenting programs in a homeless shelter setting to reduce parenting stress would be valuable to address health disparities in this vulnerable population.



目的 检查社区无家可归者收容所样本与稳定住房样本中有和没有外化行为问题 (EBP) 的儿童的照顾者在育儿因素方面的差异。方法 914 名儿童 (年龄 = 2.01-7.49 岁,SD = 1.45 岁,40.8% 女性,54.3% 黑人,46.7% 西班牙裔) 从庇护所环境的服务驱动研究项目 (n = 638) 和纵向/临床研究 (n = 276) 中招募。主要照顾者 (97% 的母亲) 完成了一份育儿压力问卷和一项亲子互动的观察性测量。结果 Logistic 回归表明,黑人和/或西班牙裔儿童不太可能被确定为 EBP 升高,但仅限于无家可归者收容所样本。多变量分析表明,与无家可归者收容所-典型开发 (TD)、稳定住房-EBP 和稳定住房-TD 组相比,无家可归者收容所-EBP 组报告的总体压力水平最高。相对于所有其他群体的照顾者,来自无家可归者收容所-EBP 组的母亲表现出较高比例的负面言语,而来自无家可归者收容所-TD 组的母亲相对于来自无家可归者收容所-EBP 组和稳定住房 TD 组的照顾者表现出较高比例的积极言语。相对于两个稳定的住房样本,两个无家可归者收容所组都参与了较少的言语表达,其中稳定住房-EBP 组表现出最多的言语表达。结论 无家可归者收容所样本中高水平的育儿压力和消极的亲子互动因孩子患有 EBP 而加剧。 在无家可归者收容所环境中嵌入普遍的育儿计划以减轻育儿压力对于解决这一弱势群体的健康差异很有价值。