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Beyond the foreign language effect: unravelling the impact of l2 proficiency on rationality
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-06 , DOI: 10.1017/s1366728924000750
Silvia Purpuri, Nicola Vasta, Roberto Filippi, Barbara Treccani, Li Wei, Claudio Mulatti

This study investigated the impact of reading statements in a second language (L2) versus the first language (L1) on core knowledge confusion (CKC), superstition, and conspiracy beliefs. Previous research on the Foreign Language Effect (FLE) suggests that using an L2 elicits less intense emotional reactions, promotes rational decision-making, reduces risk aversion, causality bias and superstition alters the perception of dishonesty and crime, and increases tolerance of ambiguity. Our results do not support the expected FLE and found instead an effect of L2 proficiency: Participants with lower proficiency exhibited more CKC, were more superstitious and believed more in conspiracy theories, regardless of whether they were tested in L1 or L2. The study emphasises the importance of considering L2 proficiency when investigating the effect of language on decision-making and judgements: It—or related factors—may influence how material is judged, contributing to the FLE, or even creating an artificial effect.



本研究调查了阅读第二语言 (L2) 与第一语言 (L1) 的陈述对核心知识混淆 (CKC)、迷信和阴谋论信仰的影响。先前对外语效应 (FLE) 的研究表明,使用 L2 会引起较不强烈的情绪反应,促进理性决策,减少风险规避、因果关系偏见和迷信,改变对不诚实和犯罪的看法,并增加对歧义的容忍度。我们的结果不支持预期的 FLE,而是发现了 L2 熟练度的影响: 熟练度较低的参与者表现出更多的 CKC,更迷信,并且更相信阴谋论,无论他们是在 L1 还是 L2 中进行测试。该研究强调了在调查语言对决策和判断的影响时考虑 L2 熟练度的重要性:它(或相关因素)可能会影响材料的判断方式,对 FLE 有贡献,甚至产生人为的效果。