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Coexistence of room temperature magneto-chiral dichroism and magneto-electric coupling in a chiral nanomagnet
Nanoscale ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-06 , DOI: 10.1039/d4nr04422c Langit Cahya Adi, Maxime Aragon-Alberti, Jérôme Rouquette, Geert L. J. A. Rikken, Cyrille Train, Jérôme Long, Matteo Atzori
Nanoscale ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-06 , DOI: 10.1039/d4nr04422c Langit Cahya Adi, Maxime Aragon-Alberti, Jérôme Rouquette, Geert L. J. A. Rikken, Cyrille Train, Jérôme Long, Matteo Atzori
We report herein on the magneto-chiral dichroism (MChD), investigated through near infrared light absorption, of a chiral nanomagnet showing room temperature magneto-electric coupling. The MChD signal associated with the YbIII center is driven by the magnetic dipole allowed character of the 2F7/2 ← 2F5/2 electronic transition (|ΔJ| = 1). Magnetic field and temperature dependence studies reveal an MChD signal that follows the material magnetization and persists at room temperature. These results represent the first evidence of the coexistence of magneto-chiral dichroism and magneto-electric coupling at room temperature in a molecular nanomagnet and pave the way for further studies where magneto-chiral anisotropy and magneto-electric coupling interact.
我们在此报告了通过近红外光吸收研究的磁手性二色性 (MChD),该磁手性纳米磁体显示出室温磁电耦合。与 YbIII 色心相关的 MChD 信号由 2F7/2 ← 2F5/2 电子跃迁 (|ΔJ| = 1) 的磁偶极子允许特性驱动。磁场和温度依赖性研究揭示了 MChD 信号,该信号跟随材料磁化并在室温下持续存在。这些结果代表了分子纳米磁体在室温下磁手性二色性和磁电耦合共存的第一个证据,并为磁手性各向异性和磁电耦合相互作用的进一步研究铺平了道路。
我们在此报告了通过近红外光吸收研究的磁手性二色性 (MChD),该磁手性纳米磁体显示出室温磁电耦合。与 YbIII 色心相关的 MChD 信号由 2F7/2 ← 2F5/2 电子跃迁 (|ΔJ| = 1) 的磁偶极子允许特性驱动。磁场和温度依赖性研究揭示了 MChD 信号,该信号跟随材料磁化并在室温下持续存在。这些结果代表了分子纳米磁体在室温下磁手性二色性和磁电耦合共存的第一个证据,并为磁手性各向异性和磁电耦合相互作用的进一步研究铺平了道路。