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Sun, Sea and Sand; Cretaceous Source to Sink Systems of Senegal, NW Africa
Basin Research ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-05 , DOI: 10.1111/bre.70008
M. Pearson, M. Casson, V. Pashley, J. Redfern

Paleo source to sink system analysis requires a complete earth systems model approach, utilising regional geology, tectonics, climate and modern‐day source to sink analogues. This study examines the Cretaceous source to sink systems of Senegal, NW Africa, integrating a broad regional dataset using a multidisciplinary mineralogical approach. The most significant regional geological and tectonic events to affect Senegal since the Pan‐African Orogenies (800–520 Ma) are the Hercynian Orogeny (320–290 Ma), Pangea break‐up and rifting between S. America and Africa, with associated Central Atlantic Magmatic Province volcanism (200 Ma) and uplift of the Mauritanide hinterland (113–66 Ma). In addition to tectonic controls, climate is the principal driver for paleo‐drainage reorganisation. During the Cretaceous an antithetical shift in climate from warm and arid (145–115 Ma), to hot and humid (100–88 Ma), increased fluvial catchment and energy. Antecedent paleo‐drainage of the Cretaceous Senegalese Basin is governed by subsurface grabens striking hundreds of kilometres into the continent formed during Atlantic rifting. Early Cretaceous aridity restricted fluvial catchments to recycling pre‐Cretaceous basinal sediments. Climate change triggered expansion of paleo‐drainage catchments during the Aptian caused fluvial incision and erosion of the Gaouâ Group Hercynian to Pan‐African age source rocks along the western flank of the Mauritanides. Exhumation increased significantly throughout the Cretaceous Thermal Maximum during the Cenomanian–Turonian, with exhumation of the Gadel Group Pan‐African source rocks, evidenced from a shift between a garnetiferous to staurolitic basin mineralogy. Inclusion of 200 Ma zircons into the central Senegalese Basin during the Albian is evidence of possible catchment shifts to include CAMP detritus from the Fouta Djallon Plateau. Cretaceous basinal sediments are almost exclusively sourced from the Mauritanide belt which includes Hercynian metamorphic host rocks and Palaeozoic sediments ultimately derived from the erosion of the Pan‐African orogenic belts. During the Maastrichtian, the central fluvial systems breached the southern Mauritanides, sourcing Cambrian zircons from the south.



古源汇系统分析需要完整的地球系统模型方法,利用区域地质、构造、气候和现代源汇类似物。本研究考察了非洲西北部塞内加尔的白垩纪源沉系统,使用多学科矿物学方法整合了广泛的区域数据集。自泛非造山运动(800-520 马)以来影响塞内加尔的最重要的区域地质和构造事件是海西造山运动(320-290 马),南美洲和非洲之间的盘古大陆分裂和裂谷,以及相关的中大西洋岩浆省火山活动(200 马)和毛里塔尼德腹地的隆起(113-66 马)。除了构造控制外,气候也是古排水重组的主要驱动力。在白垩纪,气候从温暖干旱(145-115 马)到炎热潮湿(100-88 马)的对立转变,河流集水区和能源增加。白垩纪塞内加尔盆地的前古排水是由地下地堑支配的,这些地堑在大西洋裂谷期间形成的大陆中撞击了数百公里。早白垩纪干旱限制了河流集水区循环利用白垩纪前盆地沉积物。在阿普提亚期间,气候变化引发了古流域集水区的扩张,导致毛里塔尼德山脉西侧的 Gaouâ 群海西纪至泛非时代烃源岩的河流切割和侵蚀。在 Cenomanian-Turonian 期间,整个白垩纪热盛期的挖掘工作显着增加,挖掘了 Gadel Group 泛非烃源岩,这从石榴石到星形石质盆地矿物学之间的转变中得到了证明。 在阿尔比安期间,塞内加尔中部盆地包含 200 马 锆石证明,可能的集水区转移包括来自 Fouta Djallon 高原的 CAMP 碎屑。白垩纪盆地沉积物几乎完全来自毛里塔尼德带,其中包括海西变质母岩和最终来自泛非造山带侵蚀的古生代沉积物。在马斯特里希时期,中央河流系统突破了毛里塔尼德南部,从南部获得了寒武纪锆石。