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Detecting the stochastic gravitational wave background from primordial black holes in slow-reheating scenarios
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-05 , DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2024/12/011
Luis E. Padilla, Juan Carlos Hidalgo, Karim A. Malik and David Mulryne

After primordial inflation, the universe may have experienced a prolonged reheating epoch, potentially leading to a phase of matter domination supported by the oscillating inflaton field. During such an epoch, perturbations in the inflaton virialize upon reentering the cosmological horizon, forming inflaton structures. If the primordial overdensities are sufficiently large, these structures collapse to form primordial black holes (PBHs). To occur at a significant rate, this process requires an enhanced primordial power spectrum (PPS) at small scales. The enhancement of the PPS, as well as the formation and tidal interaction of the primordial structures, will in turn source a stochastic gravitational wave background (SGWB) that could be detected by current and/or future gravitational wave detectors. In this paper, we study the SGWB arising from these different sources during slow-reheating, focusing on a PPS that satisfies the requirements necessary for the formation of PBHs with a mass of MPBH ≃ 1021 and that constitute the entirety of dark matter in the universe.



在原始膨胀之后,宇宙可能经历了一个漫长的再加热时期,可能导致一个由振荡膨胀场支持的物质支配阶段。在这样的时期,膨胀子中的扰动在重新进入宇宙学视界时呈病毒式传播,形成膨胀子结构。如果原始超密度足够大,这些结构就会坍缩形成原始黑洞 (PBH)。为了以显着的速度发生,这个过程需要在小尺度上增强原始功率谱 (PPS)。PPS 的增强,以及原始结构的形成和潮汐相互作用,将反过来提供随机引力波背景 (SGWB),该背景可以被当前和/或未来的引力波探测器检测到。在本文中,我们研究了在缓慢再加热过程中由这些不同来源产生的 SGWB,重点关注满足形成质量为 MPBH ≃ 1021 的 PBH 所必需的 PPS,这些 PBH 构成了宇宙中的全部暗物质。