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Retiring meters: a roadmap to encourage wider adoption of parking apps
Transportation ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-05 , DOI: 10.1007/s11116-024-10553-x
Mohammad Mahdi Ahmadian, Prithvi Beeramoole, Douglas Baker, Alexander Paz

This paper examines factors influencing the adoption of parking apps and explores various app configurations to reduce reliance on traditional parking meters. The study surveyed 304 respondents in Brisbane, Australia. A mixed logit model was estimated to analyze preferences regarding various app characteristics. Results revealed that the introduction of new contactless payment options, real-time parking information, and parking expiry reminders positively influence the uptake and usage of apps. Conversely, service charges were negatively associated with the adoption of mobile payments. Willingness to pay was also evaluated for the most important attributes that influenced uptake. To further explore the impact of different app configurations, this study simulated three distinct payment scenarios, each offering customers the choice between paying through meters or apps. The simulations showed the need to consider customer backgrounds when offering new payment options. For example, the simulations underscore the significance of offering simpler versions of apps to cater to customers with limited technological proficiency or those seeking a more seamless experience. Maintaining a balanced approach between app-based payments and meters is also recommended, as some customers still prefer traditional payment methods. These insights contribute to enhancing the adoption of apps and guide the implementation of smart parking solutions in cities beyond Brisbane.



本文研究了影响停车应用程序采用的因素,并探讨了各种应用程序配置以减少对传统停车计时器的依赖。该研究调查了澳大利亚布里斯班的 304 名受访者。估计一个混合 logit 模型来分析有关各种应用程序特征的偏好。结果显示,新的非接触式支付选项、实时停车信息和停车到期提醒的引入对应用程序的使用和使用产生了积极影响。相反,服务费与移动支付的采用呈负相关。还评估了影响接受率的最重要属性的支付意愿。为了进一步探索不同应用配置的影响,本研究模拟了三种不同的支付场景,每种场景都为客户提供了通过计量或应用支付的选择。模拟表明,在提供新的支付选项时需要考虑客户背景。例如,模拟强调了提供更简单版本的应用程序的重要性,以迎合技术熟练程度有限的客户或寻求更无缝体验的客户。此外,还建议在基于应用的支付和计量之间保持平衡,因为一些客户仍然更喜欢传统的支付方式。这些见解有助于提高应用程序的采用率,并指导智能停车解决方案在布里斯班以外的城市实施。
