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Temperature Extended‐Two‐Fluid Tracking (txTFT) Method for Grouting Simulation in High‐Temperature Flowing Water
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-04 , DOI: 10.1002/nag.3897
Zhenhao Xu, Zehua Bu, Dongdong Pan, Hao Zhou

Aiming at the treatment problem for water inflow in a high geothermal environment, we proposed a grouting simulation method in high‐temperature flowing water: temperature extended‐two‐fluid tracking (txTFT) method. First, a transport model for solving the residence time of slurry was derived. Furthermore, a temperature transport model was established to describe the heat transfer between slurry and water. Finally, according to the fitted equation of slurry viscosity with residence time and temperature, the fine characterization of slurry viscosity was realized, and then the whole process simulation of grouting was realized. This method was used to reveal the blocking mechanism for grouting in high‐temperature flowing water of rock fractures. The results show that high‐temperature water limited the parallel‐flow diffusion of slurry and increased the counterflow diffusion and transverse diffusion of slurry. The higher the water temperature, the larger the grouting rate, and the lower the inlet pressure, the better the blocking effect of flowing water. The research results can provide theoretical guidance and application value for the grouting treatment of water inflow in a high geothermal environment.


用于高温流水中注浆模拟的温度扩展双流体跟踪 (txTFT) 方法

针对高地热环境下进水的处理问题,提出了一种高温流水注浆模拟方法:温度扩展双流体跟踪 (txTFT) 方法。首先,推导了求解浆料停留时间的输运模型。此外,建立了温度传递模型来描述浆料和水之间的热传递。最后,根据浆料黏度随停留时间和温度的拟合方程,实现浆料黏度的精细表征,进而实现注浆全过程模拟。该方法用于揭示岩石裂缝在高温流水中注浆的阻塞机制。结果表明,高温水限制了浆液的平行流扩散,增加了浆液的逆流扩散和横向扩散。水温越高,注浆量越大,进水压力越低,流水的堵塞效果越好。研究成果可为高地热环境下涌水注浆处理提供理论指导和应用价值。