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Contraceptive Care Visit Objectives and Outcomes: Evidence From Burkina Faso, Pakistan, and Tanzania
Studies in Family Planning ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-04 , DOI: 10.1111/sifp.12279
Corrina Moucheraud, Alexandra Wollum, Mohamad Brooks, Manisha Shah, Jessica Gipson, Zachary Wagner

Globally, care experiences of the growing population of contraceptive users are not well‐understood. We leverage a large client dataset (n = 71,602) from three countries (Burkina Faso, Pakistan, and Tanzania) to characterize contraceptive services sought (visit objective and method preference), assess whether these visit objectives were met and for whom, and explore if visit objective fulfillment was associated with care quality. Most people in all three countries said they were seeking to continue their current method or adopt a method for the first time. Clients seeking to change their method were least likely to have their objective met: 63.7 percent of clients in Burkina Faso, 73.3 percent in Pakistan, and 61.1 percent in Tanzania who wanted to switch actually achieved this during the visit. In Burkina Faso, people with lower socioeconomic standing, lower educational attainment, and lower parity less commonly had their switching objective, fulfilled. Method preference fulfillment was generally high, although approximately 15 percent of Tanzanian clients were given implants despite wanting another method. Among those seeking to adopt or restart a method in Pakistan and Tanzania, having this visit objective fulfilled, was correlated with better perceived treatment and higher person‐centeredness of care.



在全球范围内,越来越多的避孕药具使用者的护理经历尚不清楚。我们利用来自三个国家(布基纳法索、巴基斯坦和坦桑尼亚)的大型客户数据集 (n = 71,602) 来描述所寻求的避孕服务(访问目标和方法偏好),评估这些访问目标是否得到满足以及为谁实现,并探索访问目标实现是否与护理质量相关。这三个国家的大多数人都表示,他们正在寻求继续使用目前的方法或首次采用一种方法。寻求改变方法的客户最不可能实现他们的目标:63.7% 的布基纳法索客户、73.3% 的巴基斯坦客户和 61.1% 的坦桑尼亚客户在访问期间实际实现了这一目标。在布基纳法索,社会经济地位较低、受教育程度较低和平等程度较低的人通常不太能实现他们的转换目标。方法偏好的满足率通常很高,尽管大约 15% 的坦桑尼亚客户想要另一种方法,但还是接受了植入物。在巴基斯坦和坦桑尼亚寻求采用或重新启动一种方法的人中,实现此访问目标与更好的感知治疗和更高的以人为本的护理相关。