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Radiation doses received by humans in their dwellings – A baseline report on radionuclides exposure from construction materials used in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Journal of Hazardous Materials ( IF 12.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2024.136754
Kumara Perumal Pradhoshini, Bharathi Santhanabharathi, A. Chandrasekaran, Munawar Suhail Ahmed, Marckasagayam Priyadharshini, Van Hao Duong, Ismail M.M. Rahman, Mohamed Saiyad Musthafa

Gamma-ray spectrometry was employed to assess the activity concentrations of primordial radionuclides (238U, 232Th, and 40K) in various construction materials, including those used for building, roofing, furnishing, flooring, and plastering. The measured activity concentrations of the radionuclides ranged as follows: 238U (25 to 477 Bq kg–1), 232Th (below detection limit to 239 Bq kg–1), and 40K (285 to 1915 Bq kg–1). Based on these values, the materials were categorized in descending order of radioactivity threat as: Furnishing > Roofing > Building > Flooring > Plastering. The potential radiation dose and radiological hazards to occupants from continuous exposure were estimated using risk parameters. The absorbed dose rates for flooring (217.7 nGy h–1), building (286.9 nGy h–1), furnishing (353.1 nGy h–1), roofing (322.5 nGy h–1), and plastering (176.8 nGy h–1) were all found to exceed both the world average value and the typical indoor gamma dose rate of 84 nGy h–1. This study highlights significant radiological risks to inhabitants associated with the use of certain materials in building construction. These include clay tiles for roofing, wood, specific granite varieties (reddish/brown granite), and certain types of bricks (fly ash, burnt, and AAS).


人类在住宅中受到的辐射剂量 – 印度泰米尔纳德邦钦奈所用建筑材料放射性核素暴露的基线报告

采用伽马射线能谱法评估各种建筑材料(238U、232Th 和 40K)中原始放射性核素(238U、232Th 和 40K)的活性浓度,包括用于建筑、屋顶、家具、地板和抹灰的材料。测得的放射性核素活度浓度范围如下:238U(25 至 477 Bq kg–1)、232Th(低于检测限 239 Bq kg–1)和 40K(285 至 1915 Bq kg–1)。根据这些值,这些材料按放射性威胁的降序分类为: 家具 > 屋顶 > 建筑物 > 地板 > 抹灰。使用风险参数估计连续暴露对居住者的潜在辐射剂量和放射危害。地板 (217.7 nGy h-1)、建筑 (286.9 nGy h-1)、家具 (353.1 nGy h-1)、屋顶 (322.5 nGy h-1) 和抹灰 (176.8 nGy h-1) 的吸收剂量率均超过世界平均值和典型的室内伽马剂量率 84 nGy h-1。本研究强调了在建筑施工中使用某些材料对居民的重大放射性风险。这些包括用于屋顶的粘土瓦、木材、特定的花岗岩品种(红色/棕色花岗岩)和某些类型的砖(粉煤灰、烧焦和 AAS)。