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Regulating Interfacial Hydrogen-Bonding Networks by Implanting Cu Sites with Perfluorooctane to Accelerate CO2 Electroreduction to Ethanol
Angewandte Chemie International Edition ( IF 16.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-02 , DOI: 10.1002/anie.202418459
Jing Zhou, Bingling He, Pu Huang, Dongge Wang, Zechao Zhuang, Jing Xu, Chengsi Pan, Yuming Dong, Dingsheng Wang, Yao Wang, Hongwen Huang, Jiawei Zhang, Yongfa Zhu

Efficient CO2 electroreduction (CO2RR) to ethanol holds promise to generate value-added chemicals and harness renewable energy simultaneously, though challenging. The authors presented an interesting CO2RR selectivity switch from ethylene to ethanol by implanting Cu2O catalyst with C8F18 to regulate the hydrogen bonding networks, achieving FEethanol of ∼55.2 % and the ethanol-to-ethylene ratio of ~5.4.


通过用全氟辛烷植入 Cu 位点来调节界面氢键网络,以加速 CO2 电还原为乙醇

将 CO2 电还原 (CO2RR) 转化为乙醇有望同时产生增值化学品并利用可再生能源,尽管这具有挑战性。作者通过植入 Cu2O 催化剂和 C8F18 来调节氢键网络,实现了 ∼55.2 % 的 FE乙醇和 ~5.4 的乙醇与乙烯比率,提出了一种从乙烯到乙醇的有趣 CO2RR 选择性转换。