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Erdős-Szekeres type theorems for ordered uniform matchings
Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-14 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jctb.2024.09.004
Andrzej Dudek, Jarosław Grytczuk, Andrzej Ruciński

For r,n2, an ordered r-uniform matching of size n is an r-uniform hypergraph on a linearly ordered vertex set V, with |V|=rn, consisting of n pairwise disjoint edges. There are 12(2rr) different ways two edges may intertwine, called here patterns. Among them we identify 3r1 collectable patterns P, which have the potential of appearing in arbitrarily large quantities called P-cliques.


有序均匀匹配的 Erdős-Szekeres 类型定理

对于 r,n⩾2,大小为 n 的有序 r-uniform 匹配是线性有序顶点集 V 上的 r -uniform超图,其中 |V|=rn,由 n 条成对不相交的边组成。两条边有 12(2rr) 种不同的交织方式,这里称为 patterns。其中我们确定了 3r−1 可收藏模式 P,它们有可能以任意大量的形式出现,称为 P 集团。