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Migration and state expansion: Archaeological and biochemical evidence from Pataraya, a wari outpost in Nasca, Peru (A.D. 650–1000)
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-25 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jaa.2024.101639
Matthew J. Edwards, Corina M. Kellner, Frank C. Ramos

This paper reports on the results of archaeological excavations at the cemetery sector of the Middle Horizon (AD 650–1000) Wari site of Pataraya, located in the middle Nasca valley of southern Peru, and biochemical analyses of human skeletal remains recovered during those excavations. The findings reported here demonstrate that the sharp differences in cultural practice between Pataraya’s occupants and local traditions leading up to the Middle Horizon are echoed in noticeable isotopic differences in the biochemistry of its burial population. We explore the implications of these findings in the context of an uneven and unequal political landscape created by, and responding to, both overt Wari imperialism and the consequences of unprecedented regional interaction. We conclude that these data support previous conclusions drawn from other archaeological evidence that the site is formed from the remains of a Wari state colony. Pataraya’s inhabitants served an explicitly political function in the administration of a key transportation route between the Wari heartland and this distant province, roles that may have been filled by newcomers to the area or from elsewhere in the Nasca valley itself.


迁移和国家扩张:来自秘鲁纳斯卡瓦里前哨帕塔拉亚的考古和生化证据(公元 650-1000 年)

本文报告了位于秘鲁南部纳斯卡河谷中部的帕塔拉亚 (Pataraya) 的 Middle Horizon(公元 650-1000 年)Wari 遗址墓地的考古发掘结果,以及对这些发掘过程中发现的人类骨骼遗骸的生化分析。这里报告的结果表明,帕塔拉亚的居民与导致中层地平线的当地传统之间的文化习俗存在巨大差异,这反映在其墓葬人口的生物化学中的明显同位素差异上。我们探讨了这些发现在公开的瓦里帝国主义和前所未有的区域互动后果所创造和应对的不平衡和不平等的政治格局的背景下的影响。我们得出结论,这些数据支持之前从其他考古证据中得出的结论,即该遗址是由瓦里州殖民地的遗迹形成的。帕塔拉亚的居民在管理瓦里中心地带和这个遥远省份之间的关键交通路线中发挥了明确的政治职能,这些角色可能由该地区的新来者或来自纳斯卡山谷本身的其他地方的人担任。