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Vertical spillovers and the energy intensity of European industries
Energy Economics ( IF 13.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.eneco.2024.108053
Jaana Rahko

The prior literature has argued that inter-sectoral supply chain links provide an important channel for technology diffusion and productivity spillovers across industries, but whether such vertical spillovers influence industrial energy use has remained unexplored thus far. This study analyzes how the energy intensity of European industries is affected by vertical technology and energy productivity spillovers along the industrial supply chain. The analysis combines international input-output tables, energy use and patent data. Panel data from 2000 to 2014 for 27 industries in 29 countries is analyzed using panel fixed effects and instrumental variable estimation methods. The findings reveal that supply-use links channel significant vertical spillovers that promote a decline in energy intensity in downstream industries. These spillovers appear to be more strongly associated with overall energy intensity changes in upstream industries and, to some degree, with patented green innovations in upstream industries.



先前的文献认为,跨部门供应链链接为技术扩散和跨行业的生产力溢出提供了重要渠道,但这种垂直溢出是否会影响工业能源使用至今仍未得到探索。本研究分析了欧洲工业的能源强度如何受到垂直技术和工业供应链中能源生产率溢出的影响。该分析结合了国际投入产出表、能源使用和专利数据。使用面板固定效应和工具变量估计方法分析了 2000 年至 2014 年对 29 个国家/地区 27 个行业的面板数据。研究结果表明,供应-使用联系引导了重要的垂直溢出效应,从而促进了下游行业能源强度的下降。这些溢出效应似乎与上游行业的整体能源强度变化更密切相关,并且在某种程度上与上游行业的专利绿色创新相关。