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The oldest dress of the Netherlands? Recovering a now-vanished, colour pattern from an Early Iron Age fabric in an elite burial
Journal of Archaeological Science ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jas.2024.106109
Clémence Iacconi, Art Proaño Gaibor, Ilaria Degano, Sasja van der Vaart-Verschoof, Ineke Joosten, Karina Grömer, Loïc Bertrand

The Uden–Slabroek cemetery yielded one of the richest Early Iron Age burials found in the Netherlands: an inhumation grave of a person wearing elaborate bronze and iron ornaments (ca. 8th century BC). Exceptionally mineralised fragments of wool textiles were found inside the corrosion layer of the bronze anklets and bracelets. Advanced multidisciplinary analysis of these textiles identified them as the remains of the oldest garment of the Netherlands, made from a bright red and blue wool twill fabric woven in a shepherd’s check pattern. Advanced mass spectrometry analysis provided direct identification of dyes, including cochineal — the earliest evidence of a red dye for the entire region (especially the precious insect dye variant). Virtual synchrotron-based 3D analysis of the fragments documented the textile weave types and the morphometry of surface and buried layers. The correlation of the two approaches makes it possible to recover an entire, now-vanished, colour pattern from highly altered fabrics.



乌登-斯拉布洛克公墓出土了荷兰发现的最早铁器时代墓葬之一:一个佩戴精美青铜和铁饰的人的殉葬坟墓(约公元前 8 世纪)。在青铜脚链和手镯的腐蚀层内发现了异常矿化的羊毛纺织品碎片。对这些纺织品进行先进的多学科分析后,它们被确定为荷兰最古老的服装的遗迹,由鲜艳的红色和蓝色羊毛斜纹织物制成,编织成牧羊人格子图案。先进的质谱分析提供了染料的直接鉴定,包括胭脂虫染料——这是整个地区存在红色染料的最早证据(尤其是珍贵的昆虫染料变体)。基于虚拟同步加速器的碎片 3D 分析记录了纺织品编织类型以及表面层和埋层的形态测量。这两种方法的相关性使得从高度改变的织物中恢复整个现已消失的彩色图案成为可能。