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Risk Factors of Complications After Uterine Artery Embolisation for Symptomatic Fibroids: A Case–Control Study
BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology ( IF 4.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-02 , DOI: 10.1111/1471-0528.18023
Adeline de Wit, Marc‐Florent Tassi, Denis Herbreteau, Henri Marret

ObjectiveWe aim to clarify potential risk factors of complications after uterine artery embolisation (UAE).SettingComplications after uterine artery embolisation (UAE) for symptomatic fibroids are rare, but failure of treatment occurs for approximately 13%–24% of patients at 10 years.DesignWe conducted a case–control study including all complications post UAE over 15 years in our specialised unit.PopulationAll Grade 2 complications (or worse) for the Society of Interventional Radiology Standards of Practice Committee complications post UAE were considered. One thousand one hundred seventy‐two UAE were performed.MethodsComplications were divided into two groups: early (< 1 month) or late (≥ 1 month) to differentiate complications from failure of procedure. Multinomial analysis was conducted to assess links between complications and potential risk factors.ResultsSixty‐nine (0.06%) complications were found: 24.6% hospitalisation for pain (n = 17/69), 30.4% for infection (n = 21/69) and 2.9% expulsion of fibroid (n = 2/69). Overall, 31 patients underwent a second procedure (45%).Main Outcome MeasuresIntra‐uterine device and multiple fibroids were strongly related to early complications (ORearly = 4.44, IC 95%: 1.5–13.3 and ORearly = 3.7, IC 95%: 1.2–11.3, respectively). The only factor that appeared to be associated with risk of early and late complications was the major fibroid's diameter (for an increased size of 25 mm, ORearly = 1.7, IC 95%: 1.1–2.6; ORlate = 1.5, IC 95%: 1.04–2.2).ConclusionOur study enlightens about the potential risk factors of UAE's complications and differentiate their impact between early and late complications.



目的我们旨在阐明子宫动脉栓塞术 (UAE) 后并发症的潜在危险因素。地点有症状的肌瘤子宫动脉栓塞术 (UAE) 后的并发症很少见,但大约 13%-24% 的患者在 10 年时发生治疗失败。设计我们在我们的专业部门进行了一项病例对照研究,包括 15 年来 UAE 后的所有并发症。人群考虑了介入放射学学会实践标准委员会 (Society of Interventional Radiology Practice Committee) 在 UAE 后的所有 2 级并发症(或更严重)。执行了 1172 个阿联酋。方法将并发症分为两组:早期 (< 1 个月) 或晚期 (≥ 1 个月) 以区分并发症和手术失败。进行多项分析以评估并发症与潜在危险因素之间的联系。结果发现 69 例 (0.06%) 并发症: 24.6% 因疼痛住院 (n = 17/69),30.4% 因感染 (n = 21/69) 和 2.9% 因肌瘤排出 (n = 2/69)。总体而言,31 例患者接受了第二次手术 (45%)。主要结局指标宫内节育器和多发性肌瘤与早期并发症密切相关 (ORearly = 4.44,IC 95%:1.5-13.3 和 ORearly = 3.7,IC 95%:1.2-11.3)。似乎与早期和晚期并发症风险相关的唯一因素是主要肌瘤的直径(尺寸增加 25 mm,ORearly = 1.7,IC 95%:1.1-2.6;ORlate = 1.5,IC 95%:1.04–2.2)。结论我们的研究阐明了阿联酋并发症的潜在风险因素,并区分了它们对早期和晚期并发症的影响。