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Bilingual speakers are less sensitive to gender stereotypes in their foreign language
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-02 , DOI: 10.1017/s1366728924000531
Katarzyna Jankowiak, Marcin Naranowicz, Joanna Pawelczyk, Dariusz Drążkowski, Justyna Gruszecka

Little is known about the interplay between the language of operation and gender stereotype processing. In this study, Polish–English (L1–L2) male and female bilinguals made meaningfulness judgments on L1 and L2 stereotypically congruent and incongruent as well as semantically correct and incorrect sentences. The results showed gender- and language-dependent modulations by sentence type within the N400 and Late Positive Complex (LPC) time frames. In females, semantically correct sentences converged with stereotypically congruent and incongruent conditions in both languages, indicating a deep-rooted internalization of gender stereotype-laden content. Conversely, males displayed a heightened gender-stereotypical bias only in L1. In L2, they exhibited a reduced sensitivity to gender stereotypes, whereby semantically incorrect sentences converged with both stereotypically congruent and incongruent conditions in the N400 time window and with stereotypically incongruent sentences in the LPC time frame. Altogether, the study extends the foreign language effect to the context of bilingual gender stereotype processing.



关于操作语言和性别刻板印象加工之间的相互作用,人们知之甚少。在这项研究中,波兰语-英语 (L1-L2) 男性和女性双语者对 L1 和 L2 的意义判断是刻板的一致和不一致,以及语义正确和不正确的句子。结果显示,在 N400 和晚期阳性复合体 (LPC) 时间范围内,按句子类型划分的性别和语言依赖性调制。在女性中,语义正确的句子与两种语言中刻板印象的一致和不一致条件相融合,表明充满性别刻板印象的内容根深蒂固的内化。相反,男性仅在 L1 中表现出高度的性别刻板印象偏差。在 L2 中,他们对性别刻板印象的敏感性降低,即语义不正确的句子在 N400 时间窗口内与刻板印象一致和不一致的条件收敛,在 LPC 时间框架中与刻板印象不一致的句子收敛。总而言之,该研究将外语效应扩展到双语性别刻板印象处理的背景下。