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Cardiovascular effects of early maternal separation and escitalopram treatment in rats with depressive-like behaviour
Autonomic Neuroscience ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.autneu.2024.103223
Luiz Fernando Veríssimo, Fernando Henrique Ferrari Alves, Viviane Batista Estrada, Leonardo Andre da Costa Marques, Karoliny Coelho Andrade, Amanda Monteiro Bonancea, Natália Tavares Okano, Fernando Morgan de Aguiar Corrêa, Gislaine Garcia Pelosi

Depression and cardiovascular diseases are two of the world's major health problems. Escitalopram (ESC) is widely used because of its safety in relation to other drugs in that class; however, it can affect the cardiovascular system. The present study evaluated the cardiovascular parameters of depressive-like male rats and the cardiovascular effects of ESC treatment on that condition. The EMS protocol consisted of separating the litter from the dam for 3 h over 13 days. Animals were anesthetized with tribromoethanol (250 mg/kg, intraperitoneally) and the catheters were inserted into the femoral and into the femoral vein. Depressive-like rats showed an increase in the pressor response to phenylephrine (Emax:depressive = 50.36 ± 2.997 mmHg; non-depressive = 39.51 ± 3.328 mmHg; p < 0.05) and a reduction in the EC50 (depressive = 0.6203 ± 0.03005 μg/kg; non-depressive = 0.7320 ± 0.03519 μg/kg; p < 0.05) with no change in the other cardiovascular parameters. After treatment with ESC, a reduction of intrinsic heart rate was observed in the depressive-like rats (control: 342 ± 6 bpm; ESC: 316 ± 5 bpm; p < 0.05). In addition, ESC treatment increased the bradycardic (control: −97.81 ± 8.3 bpm; ESC: −137.1 ± 12.31 bpm; p = 0.0236; t = 2.502) during the baroreflex response, caused by an increase in cardiac parasympathetic modulation in the heart, in depressive-like rats (p < 0.001). The findings suggest that depressive-like rats showed cardiovascular changes, and that ESC treatment was able to reverse these changes, suggesting that ESC has a good safety profile for depressive patients with cardiovascular disease due to increased parasympathetic modulation.



抑郁症和心血管疾病是世界上两个主要的健康问题。艾司西酞普兰 (ESC) 被广泛使用,因为它相对于该类别的其他药物而言具有安全性;但是,它会影响心血管系统。本研究评估了抑郁样雄性大鼠的心血管参数以及 ESC 治疗对该病症的心血管影响。EMS 方案包括在 13 天内将垫料与母体分离 3 小时。用三溴乙醇 (250 mg/kg,腹膜内) 麻醉动物,并将导管插入股骨和股静脉。抑郁样大鼠对去氧肾上腺素的升压反应增加 (Emax:抑郁 = 50.36 ± 2.997 mmHg;非抑郁 = 39.51 ± 3.328 mmHg;p < 0.05)和 EC50 降低 (抑郁 = 0.6203 ± 0.03005 μg/kg;非抑郁 = 0.7320 ± 0.03519 μg/kg;p < 0.05),其他心血管参数没有变化。用 ESC 处理后,在抑郁样大鼠中观察到内在心率降低 (对照组:342 ± 6 bpm;ESC:316 ± 5 bpm;p < 0.05)。此外,ESC 治疗增加了心动过缓 (对照: -97.81 ± 8.3 bpm;ESC:-137.1 ± 12.31 bpm;p = 0.0236;t = 2.502) 在压力反射反应期间,由心脏中心脏副交感神经调节的增加引起,在抑郁样大鼠 (p < 0.001) 中。研究结果表明,抑郁样大鼠表现出心血管变化,并且 ESC 治疗能够逆转这些变化,这表明由于副交感神经调节增加,ESC 对患有心血管疾病的抑郁症患者具有良好的安全性。