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BKa, BH∗(10) and BH∗ for 70, 90 and 120 kV X-rays in clay based bricks
Radiation Physics and Chemistry ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.radphyschem.2024.112430
Hector Rene Vega-Carrillo, Luis Alberto Escalera-Velasco, Christian Geovanni Hernandez-Murillo, J. Rafael Molina-Contreras, Joel Vazquez-Bañuelos, Guillermo Eduardo Campillo-Rivera, Samah A. Al-Shelkamy, Marcial Vasquez Arteaga

Clay-based bricks are used worldwide in the construction industry due to their mechanical properties and durability. To design or evaluate the shielding of a room having a X-ray radiation source, is necessary to determine the walls thickness (barriers) necessary to reduce the dose due to primary, scattered and leakage radiation. For these calculations is required to know the dose transmission of room walls materials. In this work, Monte Carlo methods were used to estimate the Ka, H∗(10) and H∗ transmission values of the red brick for X-rays produced when 70, 90 and 120 keV electrons collide with a tungsten target and pass through a 0.28 cm-thick aluminum filter. Dose transmission values in function of shielding thickness were fitted to a semiempirical function. Curves of dose transmission, and the parameters obtained by the fitting process, can be used to evaluate or to design a shielding based on clay bricks.


BKa、BH∗(10) 和 BH∗ 用于粘土基砖中的 70、90 和 120 kV X 射线

粘土基砖因其机械性能和耐用性而在全球范围内用于建筑行业。为了设计或评估具有 X 射线辐射源的房间的屏蔽层,有必要确定必要的墙壁厚度(屏障),以减少由于初级、散射和泄漏辐射引起的剂量。对于这些计算,需要知道房间墙壁材料的剂量传输。在这项工作中,蒙特卡洛方法用于估计当 70、90 和 120 keV 电子与钨靶碰撞并通过 0.28 cm 厚的铝滤光片时产生的 X 射线的红砖的 Ka、H∗(10) 和 H∗ 透射值。将屏蔽厚度函数中的剂量传递值拟合到半经验函数。剂量传输曲线和拟合过程获得的参数可用于评估或设计基于粘土砖的屏蔽层。