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Online and Abused: Girls of Color Facing Racialized Sexual Harassment
Social Media + Society ( IF 5.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-29 , DOI: 10.1177/20563051241302153
Pallavi Guha, Paromita Pain

This study, based on 841 surveys with 18-to-19-year-old teenage girls who live, work, or attend school in the Greater Baltimore area, investigated their social media use and the kind of harassment they are subjected to on different platforms. Racialized sexual harassment was rampant, with girls of color being inundated with requests for nudes and sexual comments, especially on Facebook. Participants said that they faced harassment on Instagram irrespective of race, which, as prior studies have shown, has a distinct bias against users of color. Harassment toward girls of color promoted harmful racial stereotypes. American Indians were also deeply impacted. Unrelenting online harassment made participants feel uncomfortable and uneasy (45%), racially discriminated against (40%), and hated (12%) on platforms they chose to socialize and seek information of interest on.



这项研究基于对在大巴尔的摩地区生活、工作或上学的 18 至 19 岁少女的 841 次调查,调查了她们的社交媒体使用情况以及她们在不同平台上受到的骚扰类型。种族化的性骚扰猖獗,有色人种女孩被裸照和性评论的要求淹没,尤其是在 Facebook 上。参与者表示,他们在 Instagram 上面临骚扰,不分种族,正如之前的研究所表明的那样,这对有色人种用户有明显的偏见。对有色人种女孩的骚扰助长了有害的种族刻板印象。美洲印第安人也受到了深深的影响。无情的在线骚扰使参与者在他们选择社交和寻找感兴趣信息的平台上感到不舒服和不安 (45%)、种族歧视 (40%) 和仇恨 (12%)。