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Realization of High-Fidelity CZ Gate Based on a Double-Transmon Coupler
Physical Review X ( IF 11.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-21 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevx.14.041050
Rui Li, Kentaro Kubo, Yinghao Ho, Zhiguang Yan, Yasunobu Nakamura, Hayato Goto

Striving for higher gate fidelity is crucial not only for enhancing existing noisy intermediate-scale quantum devices, but also for unleashing the potential of fault-tolerant quantum computation through quantum error correction. A recently proposed theoretical scheme, the double-transmon coupler (DTC), aims to achieve both suppressed residual interaction and a fast high-fidelity two-qubit gate simultaneously, particularly for highly detuned qubits. Harnessing the state-of-the-art fabrication techniques and a model-free pulse-optimization process based on reinforcement learning, we translate the theoretical DTC scheme into reality, attaining fidelities of 99.90% for a controlled-Z gate and 99.98% for single-qubit gates. The performance of the DTC scheme demonstrates its potential as a competitive building block for superconducting quantum processors. Published by the American Physical Society 2024


基于双 Transmon 耦合器的高保真 CZ 门的实现

追求更高的门保真度不仅对于增强现有的噪声中等规模量子器件至关重要,而且对于通过量子纠错释放容错量子计算的潜力也至关重要。最近提出的理论方案,即双跨蒙耦合器 (DTC),旨在同时实现抑制残差相互作用和快速高保真双量子比特门,特别是对于高度失谐的量子比特。利用最先进的制造技术和基于强化学习的无模型脉冲优化过程,我们将理论上的 DTC 方案转化为现实,实现了受控 Z 门 99.90% 的保真度和单量子比特门的 99.98% 保真度。DTC 方案的性能证明了它作为超导量子处理器的竞争性构建模块的潜力。 美国物理学会 2024 年出版